ProjectWise Explorer Help

Paste Folder / Work Area Dialog

Used to determine which items in the copied folder or work area are to be pasted into the new folder or work area. You can copy a folder or work area and paste it into any folder or work area in the datasource, or under the Documents root folder itself.

To open the Paste Folder / Work Area dialog is a two-step operation. First you have to copy a folder or work area to the internal clipboard by pressing <Ctrl+C> or selecting Folder > Copy, then when you go to paste the folder or work area in its new location by pressing <Ctrl+V> or selecting Folder > Paste, the Paste Folder / Work Area dialog opens.

Note: You can also copy and paste a folder or work area by dragging the selected folder or work area into another folder or work area. Upon release, the Paste Folder / Work Area dialog opens.

General tab

Subfolders and sub-work areas When on, all subfolders and sub-work areas under the selected folder or work area will be copied into the destination folder or work area. When off, only the selected folder or work area will be copied into the destination folder or work area. When this setting is on, and (Copy) Documents is also on, subfolders and sub-work areas will be copied along with their documents into the destination folder or work area. If you copy a folder or work area which does not contain subfolders or sub-work areas, this option is disabled.
Documents When on, and when (Copy) Subfolders and sub-work areas is off, the selected folder or work area and any documents at the root of that folder or work area will be copied into the destination folder or work area. When this setting is on, and when (Copy) Subfolders and sub-work areas is also on, subfolders and sub-work areas will be copied along with their documents into the destination folder. When off, no documents will be copied into the destination folder or work area.
Components This option only displays if you copy a work area, or a folder that contains one or more work areas. When on, components in the selected work area are copied to the destination work area. When on, and when (Copy) Subfolders and sub-work areas is also on, components that exist in any sub-work area are also copied into the sub-work area in the destination work area. When off, no components will be copied into the destination work area.

Advanced tab

Copy set references When on, set relationships are kept between any master documents included in the copy and their references. If any of a master document's references are in a folder included in the copy, then the new copy of the master document is linked to the new copies of the reference documents. If any of a master document's references are in a folder not included in the copy, then the new copy of the master document remains linked to the original (uncopied) reference documents. When 'Copy set references' is off, any master documents in the selected source folder will no longer be master documents when copied into the destination folder.
Copy attributes When on, document attributes are copied. If both Copy documents and Copy set references are not turned on, this option is grayed out and unavailable.
Copy versions (without reference sets) When on, versions are copied into the destination folder; however, if any of the versions are master documents of logical sets, the versions will no longer be master documents.
Copy folder workflow When on, the selected source folder's workflow is retained in the new copy of the folder. If off, the newly copied folder inherits the workflow of its new parent folder.
Copy access control When on, the selected source folder's security settings are retained in the new copy of the folder. If off, the newly copied folder inherits the security settings of its new parent folder.
Copy workspace profiles When on, the selected source folder's workspace settings are retained in the new copy of the folder. If off, the newly copied folder inherits the workspace settings of its new parent folder.
Take ownership When on, the user performing the copy becomes the owner of the newly copied folder. If off, the user who is the owner of the selected source folder will also be the owner the newly copied folder.
Copy saved searches When on, any saved searches in the copied work area are retained in the new copy of the work area.
Copy resources When on, the resources currently set for the copied work area remain the same in the new copy of the work area.
Update GUI on each operation When on, the ProjectWise Explorer window updates after each copy. If off, the ProjectWise Explorer window updates once after all copies are completed.